This day was introduced by the United Nations to increase the understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.
As we know the entire biodiversity has been disturbed tremendously in the past few years due to the interruption of mankind in every aspect of natural ecosystem, so it becomes extremely essential for us to protect the remaining resource.

Few vital points have been listed below as to why protecting the biodiversity is a need that should be focused on:
- FOOD: 75 percent of our food supply comes from 12 plant species and 90 percent of global livestock comes from 15 mammal’s species. Thousands of people rely on the nature for the basic needs of life. So, protecting the ecological resources becomes essential.
- HEALTH: Biodiversity plays a major role when it comes to human health as majority of the medicine is derived from the nature and then converted into various types of drugs that are supplied to all the pharmaceutical industries. Another major aspect is that the nutrition requirement for human body also comes from plants, animals and fungi.
- ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: Talking about the ecological services, there are infinite number of things that nature provides us like:
- Clean Air
- Fresh Water
- Healthy Soil
- Raw Materials
These are the common things that we know but there are other countless things that we are not aware of.
- ETHICS and AESTHETICS: Preservation of aesthetic value is important because it not only adds scenic beauty but also brings in a lot of revenue to the country through tourism. As we move forward, we should understand the importance of nature and take small steps to preserve it.
We all know the fact that we are interrelated with the nature directly or indirectly, if we do not take steps towards the preservation of biodiversity, we will soon loose our existence and identity.