Water is priceless, and an imperative aspect for every living creature on earth and we are on the verge of losing it. Nearly 70% of the world is covered by water of which only 2.5% is fresh yet less than 1% is accessible for the day to day activities. From decades now we are debating about how water has become scarce, contaminated and not accessible to millions of people around the world but the answer lies right within us, as we (human beings) are the root cause of all the problems that we are facing today.

There are several reasons for which water has become scarce and millions of people are sufferring around the world on a daily basis to carry out the cores of living.

As there is an ever increasing population, it is quite obvious that there will be more demand for water. More demand means exploitation of the available resources and people living in high society have varied taste and preferences in terms of food habits. They prefer products like meat, pasta, tofu, tea and coffee which are all water intensive in nature and eventually leads to excess usage of water.

Another important reason is pollution, many rivers, streams and oceans are polluted as they have become an area of mass garbage dumping. Factories and industries tend to release sewage into the water bodies which leads to excretion of harmful chemicals causing an extreme threat to the marine life and ultimately humans.

We all are the living witness to the change in climatic conditions around us. From past 6-7 years we experience little rainfall due to which the groundwater resources has been depleted to an unimaginable extent and the aquifers are declining at high phase.

In the agricultural sectors, water is being wasted by inefficient practise of flood irrigation, water-intensive wet cooling at thermal power plants etc. Also, in many household people leave their tap running while doing the dishes, washing clothes and all these factors results in high percentage of water loss.
The limited accessible water has also been contaminated by chemicals like Lead, Arsenic, Chloramine, pesticides, Nitrates, Bacteria & Viruses, human waste etc. But the major sources of water contamination is through polluted water bodies, improperly disposed chemicals, nuclear waste that adds to groundwater and many more.
Contamination of water has been reported to be a serious threat to all living creatures on earth. According to WHO, contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 502000 diarrhoeal deaths each year. Therefore, treatment of water before consumption becomes utmost important. The water that reaches our homes are treated by the Municipal bodies but it is equally essential to treat the water at POU level in order to remove the remaining contaminants like lead, chlorine, chloromine that can occur through rusted pipes.
Solution to water contamination
Treatment of water can be done by using carbon blocks that are eco-friendly and reliable. To make the task easier,
Filtrex Technologies manufactures carbon blocks that helps in removal of contaminants that are present in water. These blocks are made by using coconut shells that are eco-friendly and renewable.

Saving water is not a herculean task. We all can follow simple steps at home that can help us in saving gallons of water.
- Turn off tap when you brush your teeth.
- Place a cistern displacement device in your toilet cistern.
- Take shorter shower or we can use buckets.
- We can always use full loads in washing machine and dishwasher
- Fixing waterpipe leakages and dripping taps.
- Rainwater harvesting can also be practised effectively.
- Water butt can be installed to drainpipe and used for watering plants.
- Install a water meter can help us check the usage of water per day/hours.
- Investing in water-efficient goods can be helpful while replacing household products.

As water becomes the next gold, there is a competition to dig deeper to squeeze the last drop from the earth, even if its utility is limited.
So, this WORLD WATER DAY lets take an oath towards the contribution of saving water.