Monsoon, the most awaited season is finally here, and we cannot rejoice ourselves from the beauty it carries along. It not only energizes us but cools down our boiling nerves and body from the scorching heat. When the ecstatic drops of water knock the door, it brings along numerous mouth-watering delicacies to munch and sit back in your balcony to enjoy its beauty.

Along with the soothing feel that monsoon gives, it also brings along plethora of diseases mostly related with water. So along with enjoying the season, we need to be extremely careful about the contaminants that enters the water through rain. So, lets have a quick check on the diseases that the season brings.

CHOLERA – An infectious disease typically caused by consuming contaminated food or water which leads to severe watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and eventually dehydration.

TYPHOID – This is the most vulnerable water- borne disease caused due to consumption of contaminated water and poor sanitation. Common symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea,constipation, loss of weight etc.

DENGUE – It is one of the fastest emerging pandemic-prone viral disease and can flourish in rural, urban and countryside but the mostly affected area is tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue is a viral infection with a common symptoms like headache, severe fever, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, rashes etc.

SCHISTOSOMIASIS – This form of diseases is caused by worms that are spread by snails which lives in polluted water. These worms penetrate the skin causing infection to liver, lungs, intestines and bladder.

MALARIA – Water contamination leads to increased breeding of mosquitoes that carry parasites and malaria is spread by the female mosquitoes called Anopheles. The common symptom of it is high fever, headache and in extreme cases, it can lead to coma or death.
So, along with enjoying the monsoon to the fullest, it is equally important to adopt precautions such as drinking purified water and when it comes to the purest form of purification, nothing better than the carbon blocks manufactured by Filtrex Technologies.
During monsoons the water has high turbidity. Filtrex carbon blocks are manufactured with proprietary techniques to give a high dirt holding capacity. We have also developed catalytic carbon and carbon blocks which give 6 log reduction of bacteria and 4 log reduction of virus.
Next time you are drinking water from your RO or UV water purifier, make sure that there is Filtrex inside as we are one of the most trusted brands around the globe.